Meet Jane Eyre Director and Adaptor Elizabeth Williamson
“It’s the first novel that is written as an autobiography from a female point of view. So, it’s the first time a novelist has a woman speaking directly to the audience and saying ‘This is what I want out of life, and I’m gonna go get it.'” Watch video…

Meet the Artist: Helen Sadler (Jane Eyre)
“I admire and relate to a lot of things in Jane. Her spirit is one of her sort of overriding characteristics. She just has this lust for life. So, regardless of everything that’s happened to her, she wants to make her own way in the world.” Watch video…

Meet the Artist: Meghan Pratt (Young Jane and Adèle)
Portraying different characters and sharing their emotions on stage are just a few of the things Meghan Pratt loves about acting. The eleven-year-old has been building an impressive resume of roles, including Belinda Cratchit in A Christmas Carol–A Ghost Story of Christmas and the voice of Daisy Armstrong in Murder on the Orient Express at Hartford Stage. Read more…

Inhabiting the Gothic in Jane Eyre
Gothic as a literary form, generally thought to have emerged in 1764 with Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto and its subtitle “A Gothic Story”, features the familiar tropes of gloomy castles or mansions, supernatural hauntings, and sometimes a sensual Byronic hero or anti-hero. Read more…

Charlotte Brontë
Since Jane Eyre was first published in 1847, readers have been captured by its heroine’s passionate voice, emotional complexity, and singular point of view, which owes a great deal to Charlotte Brontë’s personal experience. Read more…

Drama Talk: A conversation with Fiona Kyle and Sally Lobel on researching Jane Eyre
“One of the things that we were really focusing on with this being a Gothic book, or a Gothic adaptation, was that even though they were writing in a Victorian period, they had still grown up imbued by the Gothic literature and art.” Watch video…

Meet Shakespeare Society Donor and Volunteer Usher Carol Scoville
Carol Scoville is not only a generous Shakespeare Society donor who has listed Hartford Stage in her personal legacy giving plans; but shortly after her mother’s passing in 2011, she also honored her wishes and gave a planned gift on behalf of her mother. Read more…

Introducing Education @ Hartford Stage’s new Summer Studio location
Hartford Stage recently announced that the CREC Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts will host its popular summer theatre camp at the Learning Corridor campus. Read more…

Meet the Staff : Mike Beschta, Assistant Technical Director
“My first really legitimate theatre gig was a summer stock job working as a shopper/buyer at the Utah Shakespearean Festival. Through the festival, I met a bunch of people who worked in Connecticut theatre, did an internship in technical direction at Long Wharf in New Haven, did over-hire work as a carpenter at Hartford Stage, and applied/was hired to be a staff carpenter in 2006.” Read more…

Short Takes: News from Hartford Stage
A look at our lobby; Huntington trip recap; Education studio classes; Subscription renewals coming soon; Gala reminder; Valentine volunteers, PlayDate continues; Up next: The King’s Speech. Read more…