Man in a Case
February 21 – March 24, 2013
Adapted from Two Stories by Anton Chekhov
Adapted and Directed by Annie-B Parson & Paul Lazar/Big Dance Theater
Choreographed by Annie-B Parson
Featuring Mikhail Baryshnikov
Read Chekhov’s The Man in a Case and About Love
In Chekhov’s brilliant tale of humor and despair, a pair of hunters talk late into the night. They share stories: one of an officious, anti-social man and his involvement with an aggressively extroverted woman. The second, a tale of moral ambiguity in which the protagonist forgoes his love for a married woman. Though seemingly different, both are tales of fear trumping the pursuit of life’s most promising possibilities. Drawing from material as varied as surveillance footage, folk dance, instructional hunting videos, and interviews with the cast, MAN IN A CASE creates a bridge between our time and that of these two 19th-century anti-love stories. Annie-B Parson and Paul Lazar, the team behind the internationally acclaimed Big Dance Theater, bring their signature style–fusing theater, dance, music and video–to this world premiere adaptation.
Mikhail Baryshnikov with Jess Barbagallo, Tymberly Canale, Chris Giarmo, and Aaron Mattocks.
Man in a Case is produced by Baryshnikov Productions in association with ArKtype/Thomas O. Kriegsmann.
Adaptation & Direction
Annie-B Parson & Paul Lazar
Annie-B Parson
Set Designer
Peter Ksander
Costume Designer
Oana Botez
Lighting Designer
Jennifer Tipton
Sound Designer
Tei Blow
Video Designer
Jeff Larson
Music Director
Chris Giarmo
Production Supervisor
Jenni Bowman
Associate Video Designer
Keith Skretch
Associate Producer
Alexandra Rosenberg
Mikhail Baryshnikov
Jess Barbagallo
Chris Giarmo
Tymberly Canale
Aaron Mattocks
Production Sponsors
Principal production support provided by the Estate of Cynthia Kellogg Barrington
Restaurant Partner