Special Events for The Body of An American

Veterans Art Foundation Art Exhibit
Thursday, January 7 – Sunday, January 31, 2016
The Veterans Art Foundation is a collective of Connecticut veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam who use art—painting, photography, poetry and writing—to help deal with their post-military psychological difficulties. Members from the Foundation will exhibit original pieces of art in various mediums in The John and Kelly Hartman Foundation Lobby throughout the run of The Body of an American. (FREE with admission)
A Conversation with Paul Watson and Dan O’Brien
Monday, January 11, 2016, 7:30 pm
Dr. Harold I. Schwartz, Psychiatrist-in-Chief at Hartford Hospital’s The Institute for Living, will join Paul Watson and Dan O’Brien for an in-depth discussion surrounding The Body of an American. The Institute for Living is nationally-recognized for treating trauma, including combat-related PTSD. Dr. Schwartz is a past president of the Connecticut Psychiatric Society where he has served as legislative chair for 20 years. Dr. Schwartz is a Fellow of the American College of Psychiatrists and a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. (FREE)
After War: What Happens Next?
Featuring David Finkel, Dan O’Brien and Emma Sky
Moderated by WNPR’s Lucy Nalpathanchil
Thursday, January 14th at 7pm at The Mark Twain House & Museum
Event followed by a book sale and signing.
351 Farmington Avenue, Hartford, CT
In a first-time collaboration, three of Hartford’s cultural institutions are joining together to present a conversation on a subject that affects us all: WAR. Writers will discuss the aftermath of US entanglements from Iraq to Afghanistan to Somalia, and the consequences that reverberate both abroad and at home, in the political landscapes of recovering countries, and in the psyches of returning soldiers. The panelists include Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post journalist DAVID FINKLE, author of The Good Soldiers and Thank You For Your Service; acclaimed poet and playwright DAN O’BRIEN, author of War Reporter and Hartford Stage’s production of The Body of an American, winner of the Horton Foote Prize for Outstanding New American Play; and U.K. author Emma Sky, who wrote The Unraveling: High Hopes and Missed Opportunities in Iraq and has been named an Officer of the British Empire. WNPR reporter Lucy Nalpathanchil will moderate an engaging and incisive conversation on the impact war has had on these writers, their work, our nation, and our world. (FREE)
Panel Discussion: The Journey Home: A Veteran’s Perspective
Thursday, January 21, 2016, immediately following 7:30 performance
Join Hartford Stage for an insightful moderated panel discussion with representatives from several Connecticut veterans organizations (including Til Duty is Done, Community Renewal Team of Hartford, Veterans Homefront Theatre, and Giant Steps Art Therapy) as they discuss the various issues concerning veterans upon their return home. (FREE with admission)