Feeding the Dragon
Jan. 11 – Feb. 4
Written and performed by Sharon Washington
Directed by Maria Mileaf
Past Issues
- A Christmas Carol (2017)
- Seder
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- Our Great Tchaikovsky
- Heartbreak House
- The Absolute Brightness of Leonard Pelkey
- Cloud 9
- The Comedy of Errors
- A Christmas Carol (2016)
- The Piano Lesson
- Queens for a Year
- Anastasia
- Having Our Say
- Romeo & Juliet
- The Body of an American
- A Christmas Carol (2015)
- Rear Window
- An Opening in Time
- Kiss Me, Kate
- The Pianist of Willesden Lane
- Reverberation
- Private Lives
- A Christmas Carol (2014)
- Hamlet
- Ether Dome
Meet the Staff – Molly Sullivan, Subscriptions and Group Sales Manager
By Jamie Brewer, Marketing Apprentice
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I grew up in Old Saybrook by the beach. I went to Marist College in Poughkeepsie, where I studied TV/Radio/Film, with a minor in Theatre. I spent all my summers at theatre camp, singing loudly and dancing horribly. I love a good Golden Age musical, and I know every lyric in My Fair Lady.
Tell us about the first time you experienced live theatre and how it impacted you.
My parents took my brother and me to New York for a weekend when I was about 8. They wanted to see The Lion King, but it was sold out. Instead, we ended up at the Box Office for 42nd Street. We sat in the very last row, and it was absolutely magical. I remember the costumes, the tap dancing, and the incredible talent like it was yesterday. My mom bought us the soundtrack, and it’s been stuck in my head ever since.
Why did you want to move from Box Office Supervisor to Subscriptions Manager?
I love talking to people about theatre. I love hearing their opinions, good or bad, and the stories they want to share. As the Subscriptions Manager, I’ll have even more opportunity to listen to our patrons and help them have the best experience with us they possibly can. We have subscribers who have been with us for decades; and I hope to continue to provide them with excellent customer service that matches their love of our theatre.
How long have you been working at Hartford Stage? What has been your favorite show so far?
This will be my third full season at Hartford Stage. There have been some spectacular performances in the three years I’ve been here, so I have a few favorites. I really loved Kiss Me Kate, my first show. It was colorful and fun; and the music is always beautiful. Queens for a Year was something really special as well; and I often find myself telling anyone who will listen about Act 2 of Cloud 9.
Why should people be Hartford Stage subscribers?
Being a subscriber to Hartford Stage is the best way to experience everything we have to offer. It guarantees you seats to however many of our six Main Stage shows you would like to see each year, as well as discounted tickets for A Christmas Carol. Hartford Stage brings an array of diverse, creative, and innovative theatre opportunities to Central Connecticut, and we want you to enjoy all of it!
What do you enjoy most about working at Hartford Stage?
The people I work with are wonderful. There’s always been a real camaraderie in the box office, and learning about each other’s various experiences in and out of theatre has always been fascinating. Being on the front lines of customer service, I like to think I’ve heard everything; but patrons always have a way of making me see elements of a show from a new perspective.
What show are you looking forward to seeing most this season?
Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express. Since tickets went on sale over the summer, this is the show patrons have had the most questions about. Their excitement about this show has been steadily increasing, and I can’t wait to finally get to see it.
What are your talents or passions outside of working in theatre?
When I’m not actually working a show, I still love to see as much theatre as I can. But other than that, I love going to the movies and spending time with my family (and our Sheepdog Jameson). I have a mild coffee addiction, so I would say I’m pretty passionate about my morning trips to Dunkin’ Donuts. I’m also pretty great at finding the right quote from either The Office or Parks and Rec for any occasion.
What is your personal motto in life?
I’ve never really thought about my personal motto, but my father always says, “Do the best you can.” It was his grandmother’s life motto, and we had it written on a magnet on our fridge for years. I’m also pretty fond of, “But first, coffee.”