Short Takes: News from Hartford Stage
Hands On Hartford Food Drive
Hartford Stage will host a non-perishable food drive November 25 through December 31 in support of Hands On Hartford’s Manna Community Pantry. Hands On Hartford’s programs serve the city’s most vulnerable citizens: the homeless, children and families in crisis, and low-income senior citizens. The Community Pantry and Assistance and Advocacy Program provides groceries to over 400 households per month. Your non-perishable goods may be dropped off at Guest Services in the lobby.
Hartford Stage will join the roster of cultural organizations for the seventh annual Winterfest Hartford celebration, which kicks-off November 26. Winterfest is presented by The iQuilt Partnership. Participants include the Wadsworth Atheneum, Connecticut Science Center, TheaterWorks, various outdoor markets, holiday concerts, and the piece de resistance, free ice skating (and free skates and lessons) at the rink in Bushnell Park. Visit for details and schedules.
Women in the Combat Zone

A large audience gathered in September for a panel discussion, hosted by Hartford Stage, to address issues raised in T.D. Mitchell’s world premiere play Queens for a Year. Thank you to all of the participants in “Women in the Combat Zone: What It Means to be a Woman in the Military,” including moderator Lynette Adams, Ph.D., Manager of the Women Veterans Program for the VA Connecticut Healthcare System, and panelists playwright T.D. Mitchell, Army veterans Bridgitte Prince and Jill Klepacki O’Connor, and Marine Corps veteran Jamie DePaola.